Major Grant Received!

Woo hoo!

We are honored to announce that we’ve been selected to receive a major grant from the ASPCA. We asked for funding to assist us with medical care of pets we take in who have pre-existing illnesses or injuries that will require extensive veterinary work, up to and including surgeries, to help them become healthy and ready for adoption.

The good folks at the ASPCA fully funded our request.

This means that for a period of one year, we will already know that we have the resources in hand to immediately say YES when a transferring shelter asks us to take a dog, puppy, cat, or kitten who needs that somethin’ extra to get ready for a new life. We estimate we can welcome an average of 1-3 of these special cases per month. We can’t even begin to tell you how excited we are.

Thank you, ASPCA, for this opportunity!