Thank You So Much!

We’re just bowled over by the incredible response we got to our latest request for food for our Pet Food Bank. A huge, heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who supported us so generously with your dog and cat food contributions, whether brought in person, sent via Amazon, or even (this one fellow was clever!) purchased […]
In Need Of More Foster Homes

We continually have both types in need of foster care. The spicy variety are typically the orphaned offspring of a feral mama cat, and need to be almost literally smothered with affection till they become purring, attention-seeking love nuggets. Whether you like ’em spicy or sweet, we’re always grateful for new foster volunteers. This kitten […]
Donate At Local Stores

The CHS donation banks found in local businesses throughout the county are an important fundraising tool for us. Every handful of coins or dollar bill goes directly to help the animals in our care, and we thank you for sending those funds our way. We appreciate all the merchants who generously feature our donation banks […]
Find Out About Senior Veterinary Assistance

At the Calaveras Humane Society, one of our goals is to keep pets that are a beloved part of the family right in their homes where they belong. One of our programs that helps with this is our Senior Veterinary Assistance, made possible by a grant from the Calaveras Community Foundation. Calaveras residents aged 65+ […]
365 Days A Year

Our announcement that we were closed for the Fourth of July prompted a couple of questions from our followers. Please know that we have staff on site 365 days a year providing care for our animals. When we say we are “closed,” that means our administrative services (adoptions, Pet Food Bank, etc.) are unavailable to […]
Tuesday’s Kitten

This little one came to us Tuesday, after a young, inexperienced feral mother cat (barely more than a kitten herself) hid her inside a barbecue and, frightened by the home’s dogs, disappeared and didn’t return. The baby is now safely in a volunteer foster home, where she will be able to join another litter of […]
Save Animal Lives – Donate Your Old Car

Your old car, truck, boat, or RV can be turned into help for the homeless pets in our care! Donate your vehicle (not running? That’s OK!) to the Calaveras Humane Society. A tax deduction for you, and a new life for dogs, puppies, cats, and kittens in need. ❤🐾 Vehicle Donations
Play It Safe At The River – Put A Life Jacket On Your Dog

If you and your pup are cooling off at the river during this early summer heat wave, remember that the current can be dangerously swift just below the surface. Lifejackets for your dogs are highly recommended. Spread the word! Stay safe, everyone. ❤🐾
Yes, We Have Kittens

Oh hai. Did you know there are kittens just like me available for adoption right now at the Calaveras Humane Society? More than 15 of us, to be exact. Come on in, y’all!
Bring Back Borrowed Traps, Please

If you’ve borrowed a cat trap from us as part of our feral cat TNR (trap-neuter-return) program, and now it’s just lying around in your garage or behind your house, PLEASE bring it back! Numerous traps have been borrowed and not returned, and folks aren’t responding to our phone pleas to get them back. We […]